The Chester Municipal Heritage Society

Chester Train Station

The Chester Municipal Heritage Society was established in 1981 to promote and cultivate awareness of the unique heritage of the Municipality of the District of Chester for the enjoyment and benefit of present and future generations through the preservation of historically significant properties and the delivery of educational programming.

Geanealogy Resources 1

For Teachers and Students

  • Intel Free Teaching Resources provides free tools and resources that support 21st century learning with project-based approaches in the classroom.
  • Google Apps for Education allows schools to bring communication and collaboration tools to the entire academic community for free.
  • iTALC allows teachers to see what's going on in computer-labs by viewing and controlloing other computers in the network. The Lordly House Museum They can show demos to the network, send text messages to individual students, even lock all workstations to focus attention on the teacher.
  • Ohio Treasure Chest is an online collection of thousands of websites which are high-quality, teacher-reviewed, interactive, and free.
  • ABC Teach provides PreK - 8 materials and creative activities for students and educators. They have over 5,000 free documents available, including printable worksheets, interactive activities, theme units, and much more.
  • Celestia is a free space simulation that lets you explore our universe in three dimensions across the solar system, without confining you to the surface of the Earth.
  • CK-12 Flexbooks is currently the only free service of its kind that offers customizable, free, curriculum-aligned content for K-12. "Flexbooks" are digital text books that educators can easily customize for their students' learning styles, locations, languages, or ability levels.
  • Khan Academy provides a free online collection of more than 2,400 micro lectures via video tutorials stored on YouTube teaching mathematics, history, finance, physics, chemistry, biology, astronomy, economics and computer science.

Take an online visit. The Nova Scotia Museum and the Department of Tourism, Culture and Heritage websites are packed with useful information for you. From locating museums around the province to online learning and games, there are many resources available.

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"Stationery Art Projects For Kids"

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Genealogy Resources